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All Posts
- Linux DRM Dumb Buffers are slow to read, not write (6 March 2025)
- Hot code reloading in Erlang without using an OTP release (2 October 2024)
- m4 crimes for metaprogramming Processing (22 July 2024)
- UI for sums must remember products (21 July 2024)
- Are aarch64 atomics really this sensitive? (A: No) (22 April 2024)
- More pitfalls regarding JavaScript's non-monadic promises (24 January 2024)
- Python3 is removing crypt.crypt and not replacing it with anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (13 January 2024)
- Unmangling paths set by direnv on Windows 11 (4 January 2024)
- On the harm caused by missing basic (basic!) functionality in Signal, WhatsApp, Android and iOS (17 December 2023)
- Simpler Preserves Binary Syntax (15 October 2023)
- Joining Markdown tables (6 September 2023)
- Virtualizing uxn (11 August 2023)
- File distribution over DNS: (ab)using DNS as a CDN (31 July 2023)
- Preserves Python Documentation (17 March 2023)
- SirTunnel, a personal ngrok alternative (27 January 2023)
- Purely Functional Operating Systems (23 June 2022)
- ~60x speed-up of Linux "perf" (9 September 2021)
- New System-layer Syndicate project (17 May 2021)
- New Syndicate website (17 May 2021)
- OnScreenKeyboardMorph: Smalltalk keyboard on a phone (20 April 2021)
- TypeScript: Messages from Interfaces and back (16 February 2021)
- Crashing Squeak Smalltalk is easy—or is it? (18 December 2020)
- Developing with Squeak on a Cellphone (7 October 2020)
- BitSyntax for Smalltalk (7 October 2020)
- PSA: Check your Acer C720 battery! (27 September 2020)
- How to boot the Samsung Galaxy S7 modem with plain Linux kernel interfaces only (10 September 2020)
- Squeak-on-a-cellphone update: touchscreen working! (9 September 2020)
- Squeak-on-a-cellphone update: better fonts! (27 August 2020)
- Squeak Smalltalk on a PostmarketOS cellphone (25 August 2020)
- Time Division Multiplexing; or, How I am Learning to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog (25 August 2020)
- Cross-compiling Rust for Alpine Linux on Raspberry Pi (15 October 2019)
- #lang something: An alternative syntax for Racket (21 July 2019)
- How I keep notes (19 May 2019)
- Actors for Smalltalk (30 January 2019)
- Why learn Smalltalk? (13 January 2019)
- No royal road to optics: Functor, Applicative, Monoidal (30 December 2018)
- Mendeley encrypts your data so you can't access it (13 June 2018)
- Squeak Smalltalk TiledMaps package (11 February 2018)
- Lying to TCP makes it a best-effort streaming protocol (1 February 2018)
- PhD Dissertation: Conversational Concurrency (24 January 2018)
- Improving Twitter with a user stylesheet (3 August 2017)
- Mobile Batch Photo Conversion on Android (31 December 2016)
- History of Actors (18 October 2016)
- A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence (12 October 2016)
- Patching gnome-flashback 3.20 to work with GNOME 3.21 (18 September 2016)
- Extensible Double Dispatch for Racket (24 July 2016)
- Our operating systems are incorrectly factored (5 May 2016)
- Javascript syntax extensions using Ohm (5 February 2016)
- Racket alists vs. hashtables: which is faster when? (30 January 2016)
- is interestingly different from CORBA (28 August 2015)
- Saving Images Despite Unfriendly Websites (13 June 2015)
- Downloadable Prebuilt Binary RabbitMQ Plugins (21 April 2015)
- Google is Balkanising the Global Chat Network (13 February 2015)
- Monads in Dynamically-Typed Languages (25 January 2015)
- An interesting quote (5 January 2015)
- Postfix authentication isn't general enough (14 November 2014)
- Thoughts on Common Lisp (11 November 2014)
- Minimart and Network Calculus at (fourth Racketcon) (28 September 2014)
- How to Run the RabbitMQ Tests (16 January 2014)
- How best to do PGP/GPG key management with Git? (30 August 2013)
- New benchmarks of NaCl and scrypt in the browser (15 August 2013)
- NaCl/libsodium binding for Pharo and Squeak (11 June 2013)
- How to Build Racket on Windows 7 (5 April 2013)
- What I do all day (2 April 2013)
- Crude benchmarks of NaCl and scrypt in the browser (31 March 2013)
- NaCl and scrypt in the Browser (and node.js) (31 March 2013)
- Chord-style DHTs don't fairly balance their load without a fight (26 March 2013)
- A calling convention for ARM that supports proper tail-calls efficiently (27 November 2012)
- Successors to "Enterprise Integration Patterns"? (5 November 2012)
- Mac OS X gripes (5 November 2012)
- 'bad_vertex' errors while developing and testing RabbitMQ plugins (17 September 2012)
- Co-optional arguments? (1 August 2012)
- The Software Crisis, 2012 edition (30 July 2012)
- RabbitHub Status, May 2012 (15 May 2012)
- Fame, of a sort (7 March 2012)
- Network server programming with OCaml (7 January 2012)
- Tasks within Transactions using RabbitMQ (18 December 2011)
- Equality, Hashing and Canonicalization (22 November 2011)
- Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls (1 October 2011)
- Fexprs remain inscrutable (29 September 2011)
- Building GNU Smalltalk on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (26 September 2011)
- The Code Pane is a command line, not a text editor (11 September 2011)
- Constructing Kernel's $if (16 August 2011)
- Oakley Groups 2 and 14 with OpenSSL (16 August 2011)
- AMQP 1.0's "Timestamp" definition is bogus (22 July 2011)
- Signs of an ill-factored system (19 July 2011)
- Desiderata for a Personal Computing System (21 May 2011)
- What's a fairer way of high-speed trading? (20 May 2011)
- Why isn't Smalltalk taught? (20 May 2011)
- The Origins of Flow Control and Acknowledgements (15 May 2011)
- Announcers are Networks (11 May 2011)
- The Weaknesses of Smalltalk are the Strengths of Erlang (8 May 2011)
- The 0MQ Transport Layer Specification (30 April 2011)
- Declarative Laziness in Smalltalk (28 April 2011)
- Prex 0.9.0 suffers from a serious bug in its exception handling code (17 March 2011)
- Make it work, make it right, make it fast (26 November 2010)
- The State of the Art in User Interfaces (7 June 2010)
- Rube Goldberg contraptions with RabbitMQ (24 May 2010)
- Trigonometry animation (19 April 2010)
- Comments enabled (18 April 2010)
- I've been cited! (In a way ...) (7 March 2010)
- The scheme-reports-wg1 Google Group is hard to read (7 March 2010)
- Notes on "Xoc, an Extension-Oriented Compiler for Systems Programming" (7 March 2010)
- "Git from the bottom up", by John Wiegley (22 February 2010)
- Messaging without time: modeless user-interfaces for programs (21 February 2010)
- Control in the Cloud (9 February 2010)
- FIB in PowerPC assembly and in JONESFORTH (10 October 2007)
- Reflection on floats (1 May 2007)
- Submatches vs. Recursion in ThiNG Patterns (22 May 2006)
- Partial-evaluation of Monads in Scheme - A New Hope? (21 May 2006)
- Monads in Scheme - A Retraction (19 May 2006)
- Monads in Scheme - Update (11 May 2006)
- Trait Composition in ThiNG (11 May 2006)
- Recent spikes in ThiNG (8 May 2006)
- The Pure Pattern Calculus, and Extensible Records With Scoped Labels (9 December 2005)
- Design Problems in ThiNG (24 November 2005)
- Chicken SDL v0.4.51117.0 (17 November 2005)
- Chicken Cairo update (17 November 2005)
- ThiNG repository available (3 November 2005)
- From TLA to Darcs (30 October 2005)
- Second ThiNG spike (17 October 2005)
- The things we do (24 September 2005)
- scheme-pg port to MacOS X, MzScheme v299.400 (24 September 2005)
- Mac Powerbook 12" repaired, finally! (13 June 2005)
- StoJ gets a home of its own (14 April 2005)
- Mac Powerbook 12" hard-disk surgery (6 April 2005)
- Partial Evaluation (13 March 2005)
- Syntactic Closures vs. syntax-case (24 February 2005)
- Chicken Cairo 0.1.2 alpha (13 February 2005)
- GNU/Arch archives moved (13 February 2005)
- A Web view for zowie (12 January 2005)
- Transactional Memory (9 January 2005)
- Unrolling Recursion, the Golden Ratio, and Partial Evaluation (9 January 2005)
- Clipping in Cairo (6 January 2005)
- Reflection and Message-Oriented Programming (1 January 2005)
- Chicken SDL v0.3p2 (30 December 2004)
- Chicken SDL v0.3p1 (1 December 2004)
- Chicken SDL and Chicken Cairo (9 November 2004)
- A Little Language Shootout (30 October 2004)
- Midnight Inspiration (16 September 2004)
- StoJ, an implementation of Stochastic Join (15 September 2004)
- Stochastic Join? (14 September 2004)
- Summary of my Concur '04 experience (6 September 2004)
- An Approach towards Stochastic Ambients (4 September 2004)
- Model Checking Functional and Performability Properties of Stochastic Fluid Models (4 September 2004)
- Towards a unifying CSP approach for hierarchical verification of asynchronous hardware (4 September 2004)
- A generic cost model for concurrent and data-parallel meta-computing (4 September 2004)
- Finding symmetry in models of concurrent systems by static channel diagram analysis (4 September 2004)
- Structural Translation from Time Petri Nets to Timed Automata (4 September 2004)
- Probabilistic Model Checking of the CSMA/CD protocol using PRISM and APMC (4 September 2004)
- Software Model Checking Based on Game Semantics and CSP (4 September 2004)
- Extracting Algorithms From Code (4 September 2004)
- Protein Folding Simulation in CCP (30 August 2004)
- Multiple Biological Model Classification: From System Biology to Synthetic Biology (30 August 2004)
- SBML - Systems Biology Markup Language (30 August 2004)
- Gene Regulation in the Pi Calculus: Simulating Cooperativity at the Lambda Switch (30 August 2004)
- Modelling the influence of RKIP on the ERK signaling pathway using the stochastic process algebra PEPA (30 August 2004)
- Concur 2004 (30 August 2004)